SPR Awards and Funding Opportunities

SPR Awards/Programs

SPR PROSPER Diversity Award

Submission Timeline –  August 15 – September 30

The mission of the SPR is to create a multi-disciplinary network of diverse researchers to improve child health. Implicit in our mission is our foundational commitment to supporting the success of young investigators in child health research through activities that include facilitating connections with peers, potential collaborators and national mentors.

The PRomotion of FellOwSPEdiatric Research (PROSPER) Diversity Award will provide material support and mentoring for a one-year pediatric research project that will facilitate an academic research-focused career trajectory for fellows from under-represented in medicine background(s).

The support mechanism of this competitive award will provide a $7,500 award with a match from the recipient’s organization. Funds may come from mentor, chair, diversity office, and/or other source and the source needs to be defined in the letter of support from Division Head or Department Chair.


  • Commitment of candidate to pediatric research-oriented career.
  • Potential for candidate to succeed as an academic investigator.
  • Availability of adequate mentoring at candidate’s institution.
  • Benefit provided to candidate by mentoring and support by award.


  • MD, DO and/or PhD
  • Preference given to those who are Emerging to Established (E2E) members of the Society for Pediatric Research. Those who are not yet E2E members are encouraged to apply as membership is open to all fellows.
  • Accepted to and/or enrolled in a fellowship.
  • Conducting or planning to conduct child or adolescent health research (basic, preclinical, clinical, or implementation and health services research).
  • Self-identification as under-represented in medicine background(s). Individuals from groups identified by NIH as under-represented in biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social sciences such as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and women as well as individuals with disabilities or other life experiences that contribute to diversity  are encouraged to apply.
  • Intends to pursue an academic career with major focus on pediatric research.
  • Able to conduct a one-year research project which can occur at any time during fellowship (i.e. flexibility exists as to what year of fellowship the project starts).
  • Will submit abstract of work for a PAS Meeting.


  • Applicant’s Personal Information
  • Photo
  • Short Bio
  • Blinded and Unblinded Descriptions of:
    • Area of Expertise – 2-3 sentences.
    • Research Accomplishments – 150 words max.
    • Career Goals and Objectives – 150 words max.
    • Specific Aim of Current Research – 450 words max.
    • Why is external mentoring important and in what areas? – 150 words max.
  • Blinded and Unblinded Applicant’s NIH Biosketch
  • List of Past and Current Mentors
    • Include name and title.
    • Include institution and project title/description.
  • List of Mentors who I think would be appropriate mentors for me (at any institution):
    • Include name and title.
    • Include institution and rationale of why this mentor would be a good mentor for applicant.
  • Letter of Support from Division Head or Department Chair addressing how external mentoring provided by this program would be beneficial.

Maureen Andrew Mentor Award

Submission Timeline: August 15 – September 30

Established in 2003, the Maureen Andrew Mentor Award honors the contributions of Dr. Maureen Andrew to the field of child health research. The award recognizes outstanding mentor leadership that generates excitement, creativity, and scholarships leading to outstanding research and teaching.


  • Must be a Pediatrician.
  • Must have a sustained record of excellence as a mentor, defined as an individual who demonstrates attributes of a teacher, sponsor, guide, mentor, role model, counselor.

Nomination Requirements

  • Current Curriculum Vitae of the Nominee
    • Include Supervisory/Mentor activities.
    • Research productivity by Mentees should be indicated by highlighting the names in each publication.
  • List of Mentees
    • Present as a spreadsheet or table.
    • Include the following: Training/Faculty level at the time of mentorship, current academic appointment, an indication as to whether mentees are currently recipients of operating grants awarded by NIH and/or non-governmental organizations, other academic leadership or research contributions (e.g. research awards).
  • List of Mentoring Activities (other than direct supervision of research)
    • Could include leadership within a training grant, development/implementation of mentoring activities at the local, national or international level, mentoring activities within professional organizations and academic health science centers.
  • Letter of Nomination and 3 Letters of Support (4 letters total)
    • Letters should provide evidence regarding how the nominee has displayed mentor-related attributes including sponsor, mentor, guide, role model and counselor.
    • Letters should include the impact of the nominee’s mentorship on the career development of those mentored.


  • The Committee for the Maureen Andrew Mentor Award will be solely responsible for the selection of the recipients.
  • Members of the selection committee cannot nominate or support any nominations.
  • Awards will only be chosen when there are eligible candidates.


  • The award will be presented to one individual annually.
  • Award recognition at the PAS Meeting.
  • Economy-level travel expenses, hotel accommodations for 2 nights and PAS meeting registration will be provided.
  • The awardee will receive an honorarium after the PAS Meeting.

Thomas A. Hazinski Distinguished Service

This award was established by the SPR Council in 2002 and honors a special individual who has provided exceptional service to the Society over an extended period of time.

Nominees are identified and awardees selected by the SPR Council. Award recognition at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting.

SPR Award in honor of E Mead Johnson

Award sponsored by

Submission Timeline: August 15 – September 30

Since 1939, the SPR Award in honor of E. Mead Johnson has recognized outstanding pediatric research achievements. The award recognizes important achievements across clinical, translational, laboratory, and/or health services child health research, and seeks to celebrate a diverse community of pediatric researchers. The most prestigious honor bestowed by the SPR, this award recognizes E. Mead Johnson’s legacy of research excellence and impact on child health that continues to inspire the pediatric community today.


  • Must be in an academic faculty position for at least 7 years, but not more than 20 years.
  • Must have a strong record of independent productivity and innovation in child health research, evidenced by publications, grant funding, and national / international recognition.

Required Nomination Components

  • Current Curriculum Vitae of the Nominee.
    • Include a bibliography of published works of the nominee, with an asterisk next to the most significant contributions.
    • Include research funding history.
  • Detailed Letter of Nomination.
    • Originality and impact of the nominee’s research work.
    • Value of research output in contributing knowledge to the overall field of pediatrics. Include references to literature where appropriate.
    • National and/or international recognition and leadership positions held by the nominee.
  • Two (2) Letters of Support.
    • At least one of these support letters should be from outside the nominee’s institution.
    • These additional support letters should not be from direct collaborators/co-authors of the nominee or from supervisors.
  • Three (3) Recent Papers (published within the last 5 years).
    • These articles should reflect the nominee’s best and most impactful or innovative work.
    • Selection of these works is a major point of evaluation.


  • The Committee for the E. Mead Johnson Award will be solely responsible for recipient selection.
  • Members of the selection committee are not permitted to nominate or support any nominations.
  • Awards will only be granted when there are eligible candidates.
  • Award is supported by Reckitt | Mead Johnson Nutrition.
  • Award winner will be under no obligation to Reckitt | Mead Johnson Nutrition.


The Award will be presented to one individual annually.

  • Award recognition at the PAS Meeting.
  • Economy-level travel expenses, hotel accommodations for up to 4 nights, and PAS Meeting registration will be provided.
  • The awardee will receive an honorarium after the PAS Meeting.

Douglas K. Richardson Award

Submission Timeline: August 15 – September 30

This award was established to honor Dr. Douglas K. Richardson’s contributions to child health services, perinatal and pediatric research, and the Society for Pediatric Research. The award honors the lifetime achievement of an investigator who has made substantive contributions in child health.

Must be child health researchers of any specialty or advanced degree, including PhD researchers.
Must have displayed a sustained record of excellence as a clinical investigator.
Does not have to be a member of the Society for Pediatric Research.

Nomination Requirements

  • Curriculum Vitae of Nominee.
    • Include research activities.
  • Detailed Letter of Nomination providing evidence of substantive research contributions in any of the following:
    • Effective utilization of healthcare services.
    • Identification of risk factors for adverse outcomes.
    • General epidemiologic health services studies.
    • Patient-oriented clinical studies that lead to improved healthcare delivery to the neonatal or broad pediatric populations.
  • Three Letters of Support (other than Nominator).
    • Should substantiate the nominee’s research career achievements and/or evidence of mentorship.


  • The Committee for the Douglas K. Richardson Award will be solely responsible for recipient selection.
  • Members of the selection committee cannot nominate or support any nominations.
  • The award will be presented to one individual annually at the PAS Meeting.
  • Awards will only be chosen when there are eligible candidates.


  • Award recognition at the PAS Meeting.
  • Economy-level travel expenses and hotel accommodations for 2 nights will be provided to attend the PAS Meeting.
  • Complimentary registration to PAS Meeting will be provided.
  • The awardee will receive an honorarium after the PAS Meeting.

Bridging to Success Award

Submission Timeline – November 1, 2024 – January 2, 2025

The mission of SPR is to cultivate a diverse network of child health researchers through collaboration, community, mentorship, and advocacy. Implicit in our mission is our foundational commitment to supporting the success of young investigators in child health research through activities that include facilitating connections with peers, potential collaborators, and national mentors.

The SPR Bridging to Success Award, a program initiated in 2016, supports transitioning pediatric physician-scientists and other researchers involved in pediatric research, who have submitted a NIH funded Career Development Award in the K08 and K23 categories, AHRQ-funded Career Development Awards in K08 and K01 (must be an MD), PhD scientists in K99 and R00 categories, or previously submitted A0 or A1 grant, which although not funded, may be potentially competitive on resubmission (including a 3rd submission) to the NIH.

The support mechanism consists of $40,000 awarded to the sponsoring institution with no indirect costs. The sponsoring institution and Department match the $40,000, thereby constituting $80,000 of the awardee’s support for two years. Salary support is the preferred mechanism of support though alternative uses of awarded funds may be considered on a case-by-case basis if justification for the use of funds for non-salary-related costs (which must be provided by the awardee) is approved by the SPR Awards committee. In all cases, at least 75% protected research effort must be assured. The award does not allow for fringe or indirect costs and these costs should be covered by the institution from separate sources. The $40,000 from SPR will be disbursed in two installments: $20,000 the first year starting on July 1, and the second installment of $20,000 the following year on July 1, dependent on the K not being funded as of June 30th of that year.


  • MD or MD/PhD, MPH, DO, MS, DDS/PhD, DVM applicant who is an SPR Active member or SPR Emerging to Established “E2E” member, formerly known as junior section member (rolling admission for SPR E2E applicants is available). NOTE: there is no limit to the number of applicants from a single institution.
  • This award is meant to serve as a bridge for applicants who have applied for the following funding opportunities:
    • NIH funded Career Development Awards in the K08 and K23 categories
    • AHRQ-funded Career Development Awards in the K08 and K01 categories
    • PhD scientists in the K99 and R00 categories.
  • Eligible candidates must have submitted a previous A0 or A1 application which has been fully reviewed with the application’s Summary Statement. That Summary Statement must be dated within the 2-calendar years of this Request for Application (RFA), dated January 1, 2023, or later. Please submit a summary statement. Unfortunately, we are not able to consider applications which lack a Summary Statement.
  • Intramural K Award program applications, such as the K12 and KL2 Programs, are not eligible.

Main Round Application

  • A Letter of Intent signed by the applicant and sponsoring department chair includes:
    • Agreement by the sponsoring department/institution to match the SPR award and to contribute the total amount (i.e. SPR award plus department/institution match) to salary and/or research program of the awardee.
    • Agreement that the awardee will have 75% effort protected for research during the award years.​
  • Specific Aims page of the supporting K08, K23, AHRQ K08, K01 (must be an MD), K99, R00, A0 or A1 application.
  • Summary Statement from the review of the supporting NIH funded Career Development Awards in the K08 and K23 categories, AHRQ-funded Career Development Awards in K08 and K01 categories, PhD scientists in the K99 and R00 categories, within the 2-calendar years of this Request for Application (RFA), dated January 1, 2023, or later. The most recent summary is a requirement. If you have submitted a revision and have not received the summary, then you are not eligible to apply.
  • Commitment from the applicant to provide SPR with requested updates on the outcome of the revised K08, K23, AHRQ K08, K01, K99, R00, A0 or A1 application submitted by the applicant after receipt of this award.

Final Round Application

Based on Main Round review, in late-Jan/early-Feb finalists will be chosen to submit a full package which should include the entire application of applicant’s most recently revised K-Award and:

  • Cover letter describing the applicant’s current position and how the support will be used for the next 1-2 years.
  • K-Award Application – please provide the entire application of your most recently revised K-Award, including the introduction section with the applicant’s response to reviewers. It should be the newest version with a response to the criticism raised during the review process.
  • Specific plans – please provide a 1-2 page document describing how the applicant plans to respond to the criticisms and revise the K-award application.

Awardee is expected to attend the PAS 2026 meeting.

New Member Outstanding Science Award

The Society for Pediatric Research recognizes new members who have contributed to high quality scientific research and who continue to demonstrate meaningful contributions in the pediatric academic field.  Awardee will be recognized during an SPR session at PAS.

SPR Awards to Enhance Diversity in the Research Workforce

Deadline for Submission – March 1

SPR aims to create a multi-disciplinary network of diverse researchers to improve child health.

This award was established by the SPR Council in 2017 and provides funds for registration to the PAS Meeting for talented child health researchers who comes from an underrepresented background (as defined by NIH) or other life experiences that increase diversity. One award per regional society of the SPR. SPR Regional Society Leadership may nominate eligible candidates from their regional society by sending a brief description of the awardee and her/his associated science. Required information:

  • Awardee’s Name.
  • Awardee’s Email.
  • Name of the award the awardee was chosen for in your society.
  • Brief description of the awardee and his/her associated science.
  • Photo of the awardee.
  • Under-represented designation (refer to NIH description for categories).

Young Investigator Award

Submission Timeline: August 15 – September 30

The prestigious Young Investigator Award was established by SPR in 1983 to honor the early achievements of scientists and physician-scientists engaged in discovery-based research for diseases that affect children. The award recognizes a rising star with outstanding scientific research accomplishments that help to unravel the mysteries of childhood development or disease.


  • Must have completed no more than 7 years post-training at the time of the upcoming PAS Meeting (residency, post-doctoral or research fellowship).
  • Nominators of candidates who have completed more than 7 years of post-training due to an interruption in research careers may request that committee waive stipulation
  • Must not hold rank higher than Assistant Professor or equivalent.
  • Individuals with MD and/or PhD are encouraged to apply.
  • Research work must have been conducted after graduation from medical school or completion of PhD.
  • Nominations must be made by a member of at least one of the Societies or Alliances that comprise the Pediatric Academic Societies.
  • Recipient must be able to attend the PAS Meeting.

Nomination Requirements

  • Curriculum Vitae of Nominee
  • Manuscript of Research Work
    • Description of research work, the basis for the nomination.
    • Present in form of preprint or reprint of manuscripts representing fundamental research.
    • Maximum of 3 key papers reflecting research accomplished during post-training period.
  • Nominator’s Letter of Support
    • Must include detailed explanation of applicant’s role in research submitted.
    • Succinct and limited to 2 pages.
  • Senior Investigator Letter of Support (if other than Nominator)
    • Should be from an investigator from the laboratory where nominee carried out research submitted.
    • Include dates, department, and location of research conducted there.
  • Three to five (3-5) additional Letters of Support
    • Letters should be from established investigators in the nominee’s field.
    • Authors should clearly state how their viewpoints provide additional insight that is different from the nominator and senior investigator.
    • Provide critical evaluation of research work submitted for award.
    • Nominator should screen letters.
    • Limit to 2 pages for each letter.


  • The Committee for the Young Investigator Award will be solely responsible for recipient selection.
  • Members of the selection committee cannot nominate or support any nominations.
  • Awards will only be chosen when there are eligible candidates.


  • Award recognition at the PAS Meeting.
  • The award will be presented to one individual annually.
  • Economy-level travel expenses, hotel accommodations for up to 4 nights and PAS meeting registration will be provided.
  • The awardee will receive an honorarium after the PAS Meeting.

European Young Investigator Exchange Program

This exchange program is an opportunity for the SPR to enhance its relationship with the European Society for Pediatric Research (ESPR) by fostering collaboration and providing educational exchange between the organizations. This program offers the opportunity for one ESPR young investigator to present his/her research at the annual Pediatric Academic (PAS) Meeting.  The candidate is selected by the ESPR to attend the PAS Meeting where he/she will be acknowledged for his/her accomplishment which includes receiving an award and presenting research to leaders within pediatric academics. In exchange, SPR will select one of its Fellow Research Awardees to attend the annual ESPR Meeting.

Japan Pediatric Society (JPS) Fellow Exchange Program

This exchange program is an opportunity for the SPR to enhance its relationship with the Japan Pediatric Society (JPS) by fostering collaboration and providing educational exchange between the organizations. This program offers opportunities for JPS young investigators to present their research at the annual Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting.  Each year, three young investigators are selected by the JPS to attend the PAS Meeting where they will be acknowledged for their accomplishments which includes receiving an award and presenting research to leaders within pediatric academics.

Grant Writing 101 Workshop for Pediatric Researchers

Submission Timeline – February 3 – March 3

“Thank you so much for all your help. The SPR grant writing program was the real game changer for me. It gave me insight, perspective and confidence. Your comments on my final proposal was very helpful. I can’t thank you enough.” – Quote from previous Grant Writing Participant

SPR Offers:

  • Six-month interactive workshop facilitated by highly successful pediatric researcher with proven grant track record. Participants will write a complete K grant and review a peer’s K application.
  • Facilitator guidance on writing each grant section combined with peer review.
  • Six conference calls featuring facilitator and peer oral critique of drafts and facilitator guidance on the upcoming grant section.
  • Participation limit of 5 researchers to ensure highly individual hands-on guidance.


  • Applicant must be an SPR Emerging to Established (E2E) Member or within 1-2 years of Active Membership.
  • If the applicant is a fellow, they must provide a letter from their Chair stating that they will be continuing on at their current institution as an Instructor or Assistant Professor.
  • Priority will be given to applicants who will be submitting an A0 application for an individual K award (not an institutional K award) for either the Feb 2026 or June 2026 deadlines.

 Participants Commit to:

  • Submission and review of all draft grant materials by deadline.
  • Active participation/engagement in the workshop. Level of participation will affect all participants, including peers in the class.
  • Participation in all video call meetings.
  • SPR strongly discourages inpatient service duties on teleconference days.
  • Work and reside in the United States.
  • Act as an active peer mentor member of the group.
  • Submit a clearly outlined research project.
  • Secure a committed mentor at his/her institution.

Missed calls or deadlines may result in discharge from the program.

Pilot Program: Regional & National SPR Research Cohort Program

The program is designed specifically to support early career stage pediatric researchers from ALL SPR regions. The goal of this program is to help you succeed as a pediatric investigator by building a collaborative research network. For more information, please click here.

SPR and APS Joint Award

Mary Ellen Avery Award

Submission Deadline – July 7, 2024

In 2013, the APS and SPR established and endowed the Mary Ellen Avery Award.  This award honors Dr. Avery’s outstanding lifetime achievements and seminal contributions to neonatal health through her discovery of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), her research and academic leadership, and her outstanding service to pediatrics and neonatology.

With this award the APS and SPR seek to recognize a pediatric investigator who has made important contributions to neonatal health through basic or translational research.


  • Pediatric investigator with a sustained record of excellence as a neonatal health investigator.
  • Record of substantive:
    • Neonatal health research contributions.
    • Impact on the field.
    • National and international recognition.


  • Detailed Letter of Nomination*.
  • Three Letters of Support*.
  • Letters should provide ample evidence of a Nominee’s substantive:
    • Neonatal health research contributions.
    • Impact on the field.
    • National and international recognition.
  • Nominee curriculum vitae with bibliography of published works.
    • An asterisk (*) should identify the five papers that the Nominee’s regards as his/her most significant contributions.
    • Research productivity by the Nominee’s mentees should be indicated by highlighting the names of these individuals in each publication.

* Note:  The Nominator may not also author a Letter of Support.  Members of the Selection Committee may not nominate or support nominations.


  • The Committee for the Mary Ellen Avery Award is solely responsible for selection.
  • Selection is made in February.


  • Scientific presentation (15-minutes) at PAS Meeting session.
  • $1,000 honorarium and plaque presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting.
  • Complimentary PAS Meeting registration.
  • Economy airfare (up to $750) to PAS Meeting.
  • Two-nights at PAS hotel.
  • Awardee will be invited to serve on the Selection Committee.

FOPO Award

Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr. Leadership Award

The Federation of Pediatric Organizations (FOPO) is composed of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Academic Pediatric Association, American Pediatric Society, American Board of Pediatrics, Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs, Association of Pediatric Program Directors, and Society for Pediatric Research. The purpose of FOPO is to promote optimal health for children by building on the efforts and expertise of the member organizations, and on the relationships between the member organizations to accomplish shared goals.

The Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr. Leadership Award was created in honor of Dr. St. Geme to recognize a pediatrician who is a role model for others to emulate as a clinician, an educator, and/or an investigator. Recipients of this award have had a record of broad and sustained contributions to pediatrics that have had or will have a major impact on child health. Most importantly, the award recognizes those individuals who have “created a future” within the field.

The criteria for the selection of the Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr., MD Leadership Award recipient are as follows:

  • The individual must be a pediatrician who is perceived as a role model for others to emulate, as a clinician, an educator, and/or an investigator.  
  • The individual must be a leader who has “created a future” for pediatrics and for children and has played an active role in one or more organizations sponsoring this award.
  • The individual should preferably have a record of broad sustained contributions to pediatrics that have had or will have a major impact on child health.
  • The individual must be currently active in pediatrics. *what defines “active” is at the discretion of each of the 7 organizations.
  • The individual can be a retired member of any of the pediatric organizations sponsoring this award.
  • The individual must not be an active FOPO Board member. Click here for a full list of current FOPO Board members.

Additional Information

SPR Abstract Related Awards and Funding

House Officer Research Award

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

The Society for Pediatric Research annually honors house officers engaged in pediatric research. These awards are designed to encourage pediatricians in training to pursue careers in academic pediatrics. Winning candidates are selected based on the quality of the work presented in the abstract. One to three awards will be given.

Eligibility Criteria: House Officer must submit and present the abstract prior to the completion of residency.

Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • Applicant must be a House Officer or Resident.
  • Applicant must submit and be able to present the abstract at the PAS Meeting prior to the completion of residency.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the PAS Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the PAS Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of the abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.

Student Research Award

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

The Society for Pediatric Research annually honors students engaged in pediatric research. These awards are designed to encourage pediatricians in training to pursue careers in academic pediatrics. Winning candidates are selected based on the quality of the work presented in the abstract. Three to six awards will be given; one to two in each of the categories below:

  • MD/PhD and PhD Students:
    Eligibility Criteria: Student must submit and present abstract prior to the student receiving his/her MD/PhD or PhD degree
  • Medical Students
    Eligibility Criteria: Student must submit and present abstract prior to the student receiving his/her MD degree.
  • High School and College Students
    Eligibility Criteria: Student must submit and present abstract prior to the student receiving his/her BS/BA degree.
  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the PAS Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the PAS Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of the abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.

Fellows’ Clinical Research Awards

The Society for Pediatric Research annually honors fellows engaged in pediatric clinical research. Winning candidates are selected based on the quality of the work (clinical, health services or translational research) presented in the abstract.  All awardees are chosen from the general category of SPR Fellow’s Clinical Research Awards applications.

The SPR Fellow’s Clinical Research Awards are designed to encourage pediatricians in training to pursue careers in academic pediatrics. There is a maximum of 5 awards given from this category:

  • 2 Clinical Research Awards
  • 1 Richard D. Rowe Award
  • 2 additional Clinical Research Awards, sponsored by the Emerging to Established (E2E) SPR Members’ Section

Fellows’ Clinical Research Award (2 awards given annually)

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

Eligibility Criteria for Awards: Fellow must submit and present the abstract prior to the completion of the fellowship.

Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • Applicant must be a Fellow in Training (Ph.D. post-doctoral fellows do not qualify).
  • Applicant must submit and be able to present the abstract during the PAS Meeting prior to the completion of fellowship.
  • The abstract must be clinical, health services, or translational research.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the Pediatric Academic Societies’ (PAS) Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the PAS Annual Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of your abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.

Richard D. Rowe Award in Clinical Research (1 award given annually)

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

The SPR Richard D. Rowe Award for Clinical Research by a Fellow was established in 1988 by the colleagues, trainees, and friends of Dr. Rowe to honor his many personal achievements, commitment to academic excellence, integrity and humility.  The winning candidate is chosen from the SPR Fellow’s Clinical Research Award applicants whose abstract has been accepted for a platform session.

Eligibility Criteria: Fellow must submit and present the abstract prior to the completion of the fellowship.

Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • The applicant must be Fellow in Training (Ph.D. post-doctoral fellows do not qualify.)
  • Applicant must submit and be able to present the abstract during the PAS Meeting prior to the completion of fellowship.
  • The abstract must be clinical research.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the PAS Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the PAS Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of your abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.

SPR Clinical Research Awards for Fellows, sponsored by the Emerging to Established (E2E) SPR Members’ Section (2 awards given annually)

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

The SPR Clinical Research Awards for Fellows, sponsored by the Emerging to Established (E2E) SPR Members’ Section was established in 2013.  The winning candidate is chosen from the SPR Fellow’s Clinical Research Award Applicants, in addition, must be a member of the SPR E2E Section membership.

Eligibility Criteria for Awards: Fellow must submit and present the abstract prior to the completion of the fellowship.

Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • Applicant must be a Fellow in Training (Ph.D. post-doctoral fellows do not qualify).
  • Applicant must submit and be able to present the abstract during the PAS Meeting prior to the completion of fellowship.
  • The abstract must be clinical, health services, or translational research.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the Pediatric Academic Societies’ (PAS) Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the PAS Annual Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of your abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.

Fellows’ Basic Research Awards

The Society for Pediatric Research annually honors fellows engaged in pediatric basic research. Winning candidates are selected based on the quality of the work (basic research) presented in the abstract.  All awardees are chosen from the general category of SPR Fellow’s Basic Research Awards.

The SPR Fellow’s Basic Research Awards are designed to encourage pediatricians in training to pursue careers in academic pediatrics. There is a maximum of 5 awards given from this category:

  • 2 Basic Research Awards
  • 1 David G. Nathan Award
  • 2 additional Basic Research Awards, sponsored by the Emerging to Established (E2E) SPR Members’ Section

Fellows’ Basic Research Award (2 awards given annually)

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

Eligibility Criteria for Awards: Fellow must submit and present the abstract prior to the completion of the fellowship.

Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • The applicant must be Fellow in Training (Ph.D. post-doctoral fellows do not qualify.)
  • Applicant must submit and be able to present the abstract during the PAS Meeting prior to the completion of fellowship.
  • The abstract must be basic research.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the PAS Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the upcoming PAS Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of your abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.

David G. Nathan Award in Basic Research (1 award given annually)

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

The SPR David G. Nathan Award in Basic Research by a Fellow was established in 2000 by the colleagues, trainees, and friends of Dr. Nathan to honor his achievements in every aspect of academic pediatrics. The winning candidate is chosen from the SPR Fellow’s Basic Research Award applicants whose abstract has been accepted for a platform session.

Eligibility Criteria: Fellow must submit and present the abstract prior to the completion of the fellowship.

Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • The applicant must be Fellow in Training (Ph.D. post-doctoral fellows do not qualify.)
  • Applicant must submit and be able to present the abstract during the PAS Meeting prior to the completion of fellowship.
  • The abstract must be basic research.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the PAS Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the upcoming PAS Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of your abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.

SPR Basic Research Awards for Fellows, sponsored by the Emerging to Established (E2E) SPR Members’ Section (2 awards given annually)

This award must be applied for at the time of PAS abstract submission.

The SPR Basic Research Awards for Fellows, sponsored by the Emerging to Established (E2E) SPR Members’ Section was established in 2013.  The winning candidates are chosen from the SPR Fellow’s Basic Research Award Applicants, in addition, must be a member of the SPR E2E Section membership.

Eligibility Criteria: Fellow must submit and present the abstract prior to the completion of the fellowship.

Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Complete the online application form and submit their abstract and supplemental materials by the abstract submission deadline.
  • The applicants need to describe their contribution to the project when asked to provide “brief description of the work performed”.
  • The applicant must be Fellow in Training (Ph.D. post-doctoral fellows do not qualify.)
  • Applicant must submit and be able to present the abstract during the PAS Meeting prior to the completion of fellowship.
  • The abstract must be basic research.
  • First authorship on an abstract submitted to the PAS Meeting. The abstract must be accepted for presentation at the upcoming PAS Meeting to be considered.
  • The recipient must present the study at the PAS Meeting.

Applications that do not meet the conditions stated above will not be considered for the awards. The accuracy of your abstract and application is the applicants’ responsibility. Please proofread carefully before submitting. After submission, no corrections will be permitted. By submitting, you are approving the accuracy of your abstract and application.