Call for SPR Officer & Council Nominations
Deadline: October 6, 2020
The SPR Officers and Council sets strategic direction to advance SPR’s mission: creating a multi-disciplinary network of diverse researchers to improve child health.
We welcome your nominations, including self-nominations, of Active Members to fill Officer & Council openings below. Please nominate colleagues you believe will be excellent SPR leaders.
SPR Officer Positions
SPR Council Member – 6 Open Positions in any of the subspecialty areas listed below. Council Policy is located here.
Three Year Term (2021-2024)
- Allergy/Immunology/Rheumatology
- Critical Care/Anesthesiology/Surgery/Pharmacology/Pain/Urology/Ethics
- Cardiology
- Genetics/Metabolism/Dysmorphology/Teratology/Craniofacial Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Neonatal Neurology/Neonatology/Perinatal/Newborn Medicine/Neonatal Medicine
A brief nomination letter highlighting nominee’s qualifications and nominee’s CV are required to nominate or self-nominate. Deadline to nominate is October 6.
Need to know if someone is an SPR Member? Log-in your membership record to access the SPR Membership directory.
All nominations will be considered by the SPR Nominating Committee as a slate is readied for the SPR election opening in February 2021.
Questions? Email the SPR Office or call 346.980.9710.